Yohimbine For Fat Loss And Energy

Alkaloid Derived From Pausinystalia


Yohimbine: Fight Or Flight Your Way To Weight Loss

  • What Is Yohimbine
  • What's In Yohimbe
  • As A Performance Enhancer
  • As A Fat Burner
  • Watch Out For This
  • Our Picks
What Is Yohimbine

The History Of Yohimbe And Yohimbine

The name yohimbine should not be confused with the word yohimbe, which refers to the bark of a tree that contains the yohimbine alkaloid. That particular tree, pausinystalia yohimbe, is one of several different plant species in the pausinystalia family that contain yohimbine. The others include pausinystalia macroceruspausinystalia paniculata, and pausinystalia trillesi. It is also found in pseudocinchona africana and rauwolfia canescens. (1)

Prior to scientists distilling yohimbe bark down into its various compounds, it already had a long history of usage in West Africa as an aphrodisiac. That purpose has followed it as it’s made its way to other regions of the world. Modern research has shown that yohimbe, and its alkaloid yohimbine, also have potential as ergogenic aids and fat burners. One of the main mechanisms responsible for their ability to burn fat is the fact that they block the alpha-2 adrenergic receptors located in fat cells.

The reason that blocking the alpha-2 receptors is important is because these receptors hinder your body’s ability to burn fat. In contrast, your beta-2 receptors accelerate the burning of fat. The fat cells in your body have both of these receptors but it is the quantity and distribution of each type that determines the fat burning rate of your body.

If your body has more alpha-2 receptors than beta-2 receptors, then you will have a more challenging time burning fat. On the flip side, the more beta-2 receptors you have, the easier it will be for your body to burn fat. Unfortunately, there’s no way to convert alpha-2 receptors to beta-2 receptors because they are determined by our genetics. Since we’re stuck with what we have, the only option is to block the alpha-2 receptors while turning on the beta-2 receptors. Yohimbe Bark and its derivative compounds are tools that can help in that process, which is why people use them to burn fat and why they are included on this page.

In terms of yohimbine supplements, you will find three main options available on the market.

Yohimbine HCL is an isolated form of pure yohimbine which is extracted from yohimbe bark and combined with hydrochloric acid. It is available as both a prescription medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and also as a supplement to boost energy and increase fat loss.

Rauwolscine is actually a yohimbine isomer technically known as α-yohimbine or alpha-yohimbine. It is considered more potent than yohimbine HCL because it is able to saturate more receptors in the brain in a given dose. Therefore much less rauwolscine needs to be consumed to get the desired performance enhancing and fat burning benefits.

Yohimbe bark extract is simply a full-spectrum extract of the bark that includes both yohimbine, alpha-yohimbine and all of the other naturally occurring alkaloids and compounds. It may or may not be standardized for potency and is available in everything from capsules to tinctures to raw bark.

What's In Yohimbe

The Unique Nutritional Profile Of Yohimbe Bark

Yohimbine itself is an isolated alkaloid so there is nothing in it besides itself. However, the most common plant that it’s extracted from is the pausinystalia yohimbe tree, specifically the bark.

Analyses of yohimbe bark indicate that the average total indole alkaloid content is approximately 3–6%, with approximately 10–15% of the alkaloids being yohimbine. (1)

In addition to yohimbine and its isomers (α-yohimbine, β-yohimbine, allo-yohimbine), the other alkaloids include ajmaline, dihydroyohimbine, corynantheidine, dihydrocorynantheine, and corynanthine (rauhimbin). (1)

Individual supplements may contain their own additional ingredients. The above only refers to the raw bark of the yohimbe tree. One of the big ones to watch out for and avoid is rice flour. Rice flour is often used as a filler to bulk up a capsule. It doesn’t always mean you’re getting fluff, but it tends to be a red flag because there’s no good reason why a supplement manufacturer can’t just use a smaller size capsule and only put the actual product you’re buying in there. If you aren’t familiar with a company and you can’t vouch for its quality, it’s best practice to avoid anything that contains rice flour.

Additional ingredients that are unfortunately common but that you should try to avoid include the following: magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, starch, microcrystalline cellulose, simethicone, vegetable gum, talc and propylene glycol.

As A Performance Enhancer

Is Yohimbine A Good Pre-Workout?

Although yohimbine is added to many pre-workout stacks and sold on its own as a pre-workout supplement, the science behind its ability to increase work capacity (either aerobic or anaerobic) is lacking.

However, that doesn't necessarily mean that it won't help you at all.

As an alpha-2 antagonist, yohimbine blocks alpha-2 adrenoceptors. These are the same receptors that your fight or flight hormones attach to. By blocking them, yohimbine frees up more epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). In simple terms, yohimbine simulates an "adrenaline rush". You can imagine that from a mental aspect, this feeling could help with squeezing out some extra reps or pushing through another lap.

The downside to this feeling is that if you're sensitive to it, you can also experience an anxiety attack - especially if you're already prone to getting them.

So to reiterate, there is zero scientific evidence to support the idea that yohimbine increases physical performance but despite this, there are enough people who will tell you that they feel that it gives them "an edge" when they're working out. This is likely due to the fact that everyone experiences the adrenaline rush it produces differently. Ultimately, only you will be able to determine whether or not you feel like it helps you with your workouts.

The good news is that although the science behind yohimbine's effectiveness as a pre-workout supplement is lacking, there is some evidence backing its use as a fat loss agent. More on this in the next section.

As A Fat Burner

Is Yohimbine An Effective Fat Burner?

There have been some promising studies with great results that support the use of yohimbine as a weight loss aid. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been enough of them and those conducted have been somewhat small or done on animals. The preliminary evidence is mostly supportive, but not entirely. We need more and larger scale human studies to have a stronger scientific basis for using yohimbine as a fat burner.

Some of the aforementioned studies looking at yohimbine as a fat loss tool include the following:

One study involving 20 athletes demonstrated that daily yohimbine supplementation reduced body fat percentage from 9.3 to 7.1%. (2)

Three small clinical trials concluded that taking yohimbine prior to exercise or during fasting increased the body’s ability to break down fat. (3) (4) (5)

Another study looked at the effects of yohimbine on 20 obese females who followed a restricted 1,000 calorie diet for 3 weeks. The women who took yohimbine lost more weight – 7.8 pounds (3.6 k g) – than those taking a placebo – 4.9 pounds (2.2 kg). (6)

An animal study comparing lean and obese mice, found that yohimbine reduced appetite and food intake. (7)

In 2002, researchers found that when yohimbine was administered prior to exercise, it boosted lipolysis both during and following exercise. Part of the reason was due to yohimbine blocking the alpha-2 adrenoreceptors mentioned in the previous section. The researchers concluded that that pre-exercise administration of yohimbine lowers the respiratory quotient during and following exercise, thus promoting fat loss. (8)

In addition to the studies above, there is also a good amount of anecdotal evidence touting yohimbine’s fat loss benefits. If you check out the reviews on some of the supplements below (especially the alpha-yohimbine) you will see and read about plenty of people who’ve had success with it.

Watch Out For This

Who Should Not Use Yohimbine?

Out of all the performance enhancers you’ll find on this page, yohimbine is arguably the riskiest one to take. So much so that it’s even banned in many countries around the world. There’s no way to sugar coat it, if yohimbine is mis-used, combined with other stimulants or substances, or used by someone with pre-existing health conditions, it could be very dangerous or even fatal.

Some of the precautions and considerations and precautions you should take before considering yohimbine HCL, yohimbe bark extract, or rauwolscine are as follows:

Yohimbine should not be used in cardiac (heart), hepatic (liver) and renal (kidney) disease. It is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, therefore tyramine-containing food and stimulants such as phenylephrine and phenylpropanolamine should be avoided. (9)

Since yohimbine reduces clotting, it should not be taken by hemophiliacs or individuals who have recently undergone surgery. Blood thinners such as warfarin, heparin, and aspiring should not be combined with yohimbine. (10) (11) (12)

Individuals with a history of mental health conditions should not take yohimbine HCL. (13)

Pregnant women and children should also avoid it. (13)

What Are Some Yohimbine Side Effects?

All three versions of yohimbine found in supplements carry the risk of side effects. These range from mild to severe and include some of the following:





Stomach pain


Increased blood pressure (hypertension)

Increased heart rate (tachycardia)



Kidney Failure


Higher doses cause stronger side effects and can be toxic to the brain. Extremely high doses (above 5,000 mg) can result in death. (14) Seek immediate medical attention if you experience severe or mild, persistant adverse effects after taking yohimbine HCL, yohimbe bark extract, rauwolscine or any supplement that contains them as ingredients.

Our Picks

Try These Yohimbe Bark And Yohimbine Options

Since we’ve been discussing the three different types of yohimbe / yohimbine on this page, we thought we’d share with you one of each.

The first is an ultra-potent rauwolscine (alpha-yohimbine) that has taken the additional step of getting third party tested and certified so you know what you’re getting in the bottle is the real deal.

The second is a very popular yohimbine HCL supplement that has a solid approval rating of 83% based on over 2,500 reviews. Approval rating meaning all reviews that are a minimum of 4 (out of 5) stars, with the vast majority of that 83% being 5 stars.

The final option is an extract from the yohimbe bark so it contains all of the plant compounds that can be extracted from the natural bark of the tree. These include both yohimbine and alpha-yohimbine but others as well. Check the “what’s in yohimbine” tab if you want to see all of the various alkaloids found in the bark.

The Best Yohimbine Supplements For Fat Loss And Energy

The first is a standardized alpha-yohimbine supplement.

The second is a yohimbine HCL option.

The third is a tincture that gives an almost instant effect.

Potent Alpha-Yohimbine (Rauwolscine)

Team Six Supplements Alpha Yohimbine – Proven Yohimbe Bark Fat Burner, Weight Loss Pills That Work Fast - 3rd Party Tested for Purity and Potency, 60 veggie capsules

Team 6 Standardized Yohimbine 2mg

60 Vegan Capsules

Standardized To 90% Yohimbine

3rd Party Tested For Purity + Potency

Works Insanely Fast To Burn Fat

Powerful Pre-Workout

Yohimbine HCL To Burn Stubborn Body Fat

PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl 2.5mg, 270 Capsules - Premium Supplement for Fat Loss, Boosts Performance, Zero Fillers, Non-GMO and Gluten Free

Primaforce Yohimbine HCL


270 Vegan Capsules

2,515 Reviews, 83% Are 4+ (Out Of 5)

Effective Fat Loss Stimulant

Hyper Focused Workouts

Excellent Results

Strong Yohimbe Tincture For Fast Acting Results

Super Yohimbe Bark Extract | 2 Oz | Max 2300mg | Alcohol and Sugar Free Formula | Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Gluten Free Liquid Supplement | by Horbaach

Super Yohimbe Bark Extract

By Horbaach


Alcohol-Free Extraction

Feel The Effects Quickly

Excellent For The Gym

Works Wonders In The Bedroom

The Best Yohimbine Supplements

For Fat Loss And Energy

The 1st - standardized alpha-yohimbine

The 2nd - yohimbine HCL

The 3rd - fast-acting tincture

Potent Alpha-Yohimbine (Rauwolscine)

Team Six Supplements Alpha Yohimbine – Proven Yohimbe Bark Fat Burner, Weight Loss Pills That Work Fast - 3rd Party Tested for Purity and Potency, 60 veggie capsules

Team 6 Standardized Yohimbine


60 Vegan Capsules

Standardized To 90% Yohimbine

3rd Party Tested For Purity + Potency

Works Insanely Fast To Burn Fat

Powerful Pre-Workout

Yohimbine HCL To Burn Stubborn Body Fat

PrimaForce Yohimbine HCl 2.5mg, 270 Capsules - Premium Supplement for Fat Loss, Boosts Performance, Zero Fillers, Non-GMO and Gluten Free

Primaforce Yohimbine HCL


270 Vegan Capsules

2,515 Reviews, 83% Are 4+ (Out Of 5)

Effective Fat Loss Stimulant

Hyper Focused Workouts

Excellent Results

Strong Yohimbe Tincture For Fast Acting Results

Super Yohimbe Bark Extract | 2 Oz | Max 2300mg | Alcohol and Sugar Free Formula | Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Gluten Free Liquid Supplement | by Horbaach

Super Yohimbe Bark Extract

By Horbaach


Alcohol-Free Extraction

Feel The Effects Quickly

Excellent For The Gym

Works Wonders In The Bedroom


Final Thoughts On Using Yohimbine To Burn Fat

Given the potential side effects, does this mean you should avoid yohimbine?

Well, only you can make that decision (along with perhaps your doctor’s advice). The reason it’s included on this page is because while it does carry some degree of risk, there are thousands of people who’ve used it successfully to burn off stubborn body fat.

If you do decide to give yohimbine a shot and you want to minimize the potential for nasty side effects, then your best bet is to avoid any other kinds of stimulants (or the other substances it interacts with) within 24 hours of trying it. Also, going with an initial micro-dose or partial dose to gauge how your body responds is also a good idea. This means that if you’ve purchased yohimbine capsules, instead of swallowing the entire pill (full dose), open the pill and dribble out a little bit of it from the smaller half of the capsule (partial dose). Close the capsule back up and wait a while to see how you feel. If all is well, then open the pill back up and take some more. Repeat this process of waiting and taking more from the one full dose until you’ve either felt like you’ve had enough and need to stop or until you are able to take the entire full dose.

If the yohimbine you buy comes in a tincture format then simply follow the same protocol. Let’s say the full dose on the back is listed as 20 drops, then take 5 to start. That’s just an example but do it in whichever way works best for you.

Besides micro-dosing and partial dosing, if you’re going to try yohimbine and gauge its effect on your body then make sure you stick to supplements where yohimbe bark extract, yohimbine HCL, or alpha-yohimbine (rauwolscine) is the whole supplement, not simply one ingredient in a cocktail of stimulants or fat burners.

Think about it this way – if you dump 20 different powders into a giant container, stir them up, and then pour the resulting mixture into some capsules then it becomes really hard to control exactly how much of which substance is going into that capsule. A 2015 study in the Journal of Drug Testing and Analysis is a testament to that. Researchers tested 49 different supplements that contained yohimbine or yohimbe, and only a startling 2 of the 49 gave accurate information about the quantity of yohimbine listed on the label. Many of the supplements were found to contain much more – often the equivalent of prescription-strength dosages. (15)

This is the unfortunate reality of purchasing a stimulant or fat burner stack that lists yohimbine as an ingredient. Although it can still happen with a supplement where yohimbe or yohimbine is the only ingredient (besides fillers and capsule material), the chances are reduced.

In conclusion, avoid stack-style supplements with too many ingredients and start off slow by micro-dosing or partial dosing. Always listen to your body and don’t rush into it. Once you establish that your body is able to tolerate the yohimbine without nasty side effects or found a dose that works without the side effects, then you can start using it to help you fuel your workouts and burn the fat off your body. If you find that your body doesn’t respond to it well, then just avoid it altogether. There are plenty of other performance enhancing fat burners on this page to choose from.


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