Performance Enhancers For Fat Loss


Performance enhancers are some of the most widely known substances known to the general public. Unfortunately, this is mainly due to the bad publicity that is often associated with them. Whether it's professional athletes, Olympic athletes, bodybuilders or martial arts fighters, it seems like we're always hearing about people abusing performance enhancers.

To make matters worse, there are far too many supplement companies producing their own proprietary cocktails with combinations that have a questionable effect on the health of the human body. Many of them do work in terms of providing an energy boost, but the long term effects are unknown. On this page we will avoid these types of supplements and focus on simpler performance enhancers that have been around a long time and contain relatively few ingredients. If used appropriately, they can enable you to have better workouts while burning more fat in the process.


Coffea Arabica | Coffea Canephora

There are over 120 species of Coffea that are grown from seed. The two most well-known are Coffea arabica (known simply as Arabica), which accounts for 60–80% of the world’s coffee production, and Coffea canephora (known as Robusta).

Yerba Mate

Ilex Paraguariensis

Yerba Mate is a popular tea alternative with a long drinking history in the South American country of Paraguay. Similar to many of the other performance enhancers on this list, the key ingredient that makes it a good energy booster is caffeine.


Ilex Guayusa

Guayusa has been consumed for at least 1,500 years according to archeological evidence. Despite its use reaching far back into history, it has only relatively recently started to gain a loyal following of drinkers outside of its native homes of Ecuador, Peru and Colombia.

Green Coffee

Coffea Arabica | Coffea Canephora

Green coffee is simply the unroasted beans of the coffee fruit – the same ones used to make coffee. Some people consume it as a beverage, but most people take it as a supplement to help rev up their metabolism and give them an energy kick.

Green Tea

Camellia Sinensis

One of the world’s most popular beverages, green tea is heavily associated with the Far East but these days it is even grown in places like Portugal and the country of Georgia. Among its numerous health benefits is its ability to boost your metabolism.


Paullinia Cupana

Guarana is a fruit, although the word is interchangeably used to refer to its seeds and to soft drinks where it is the active ingredient. It contains significantly more caffeine than coffee and also other stimulants like theobromine. As a result, it makes an excellent pre-workout.

Kola Nut

Cola Acuminata | Cola Nitida

The kola nut is the seed of several types of evergreen trees that originate from Africa. What’s really interesting about it with respect to weight loss, is that it has been shown in at least one study to be even more effective than both pure caffeine and a placebo.



Caffeine is consumed in one form or another every single day by approximately 80% of the world’s population.

It has been extensively studied and there is plenty of evidence that supports both its performance enhancing (ergogenic) and fat burning capabilities.


C. Sinensis | C. Militaris

The word cordyceps is actually a name that covers about 600 different species of fungi. The most famous of these is a variety called cordyceps sinensis. At $50,000 for one kilo, it's one of the world's most expensive substances. Luckily, there are a few budget options so you can buy it too.


Alkaloid Derived From Pausinystalia

The name yohimbine should not be confused with the word yohimbe, which refers to the bark of a tree that contains the yohimbine alkaloid. That particular tree, pausinystalia yohimbe, is one of several different plant species that contain this potent fat burning compound.


Panax | American

While both panax ginseng and american ginseng are classified as adaptogens, the reason they are included on the performance enhancers page is that they provide a stronger stimulant effect than the other adaptogens featured on the adaptogens page. They are an excellent pre-workout choice that will boost your energy.


Coffea Arabica | Coffea Canephora

There are over 120 species of Coffea that are grown from seed. The two most well-known are Coffea arabica (known simply as Arabica), which accounts for 60–80% of the world’s coffee production, and Coffea canephora (known as Robusta).

Yerba Mate

Ilex Paraguariensis

Yerba Mate is a popular tea alternative with a long drinking history in the South American country of Paraguay. Similar to many of the other performance enhancers on this list, the key ingredient that makes it a good energy booster is caffeine.

Green Coffee

Coffea Arabica | Coffea Canephora

Green coffee is simply the unroasted beans of the coffee fruit – the same ones used to make coffee. Some people consume it as a beverage, but most people take it as a supplement to help rev up their metabolism and give them an energy kick.


Ilex Guayusa

Guayusa has been consumed for at least 1,500 years according to archeological evidence. Despite its use reaching far back into history, it has only relatively recently started to gain a loyal following of drinkers outside of its native homes of Ecuador, Peru and Colombia.

Green Tea

Camellia Sinensis

One of the world’s most popular beverages, green tea is heavily associated with the Far East but these days it is even grown in places like Portugal and the country of Georgia. Among its numerous health benefits is its ability to boost your metabolism.


Paullinia Cupana

Guarana is a fruit, although the word is interchangeably used to refer to its seeds and to soft drinks where it is the active ingredient. It contains significantly more caffeine than coffee and also other stimulants like theobromine. As a result, it makes an excellent pre-workout.

Kola Nut

Cola Acuminata | Cola Nitida

The kola nut is the seed of several types of evergreen trees that originate from Africa. What’s really interesting about it with respect to weight loss, is that it has been shown in at least one study to be even more effective than both pure caffeine and a placebo.



Caffeine is consumed in one form or another every single day by approximately 80% of the world’s population.

It has been extensively studied and there is plenty of evidence that supports both its performance enhancing (ergogenic) and fat burning capabilities.


Alkaloid Derived From Pausinystalia

The name yohimbine should not be confused with the word yohimbe, which refers to the bark of a tree that contains the yohimbine alkaloid. That particular tree, pausinystalia yohimbe, is one of several different plant species that contain this potent fat burning compound.


C. Sinensis | C. Militaris

The word cordyceps is actually a name that covers about 600 different species of fungi. The most famous of these is a variety called cordyceps sinensis. At $50,000 for one kilo, it's one of the world's most expensive substances. Luckily, there are a few budget options so you can buy it too.


Panax | American

While both panax ginseng and american ginseng are classified as adaptogens, the reason they are included on the performance enhancers page is that they provide a stronger stimulant effect than the other adaptogens featured on the adaptogens page. They are an excellent pre-workout choice that will boost your energy.


If you spend enough time on this website or even if you read the introduction on this page, you'll realize that we aren't fans of unhealthy supplements. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there's money to be made in the fat loss market space, there are plenty of people pushing snake oil solutions, or solutions that genuinely work to burn fat, but at a toll to the user's health. Most of these happen to fall under the category of fat burner stacks where every ingredient known to man is shoved into one pill and then sold under some over-the-top name with a shiny label.

While we do showcase some fat burner stacks on certain pages, they always contain minimal ingredients that complement each other and with the dosages for each ingredient listed. Remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking fat burning supplements are not mutually exclusive. You can easily do both if you're careful about which supplements you use. Luckily, you're on this website so we already did a lot of the heavy lifting for you. Please note that if you do decide to make a purchase using certain featured links on the pages above, we will receive a small commission on your purchase. This does not increase the price for you in anyway, but it does help us continue to bring you the best information on living a fat burn fitness lifestyle.

On a final note, when considering if taking a performance enhancer is right for you, you should keep in mind that since many, if not most, are stimulants of some kind, that they will put added stress on the heart. If you are a healthy person with no pre-existing conditions then you'll most likely be okay, but it's always best to speak with your doctor before introducing any changes to your supplement regimen.